Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Day 2 Activities @ Club Med, Bintan

Day 2 = Earth Day = Wear Green

Last heard that they even had a world coordinated concert to spread the awareness about global warming. Sounds like a cool idea if you ignored the waste that was generated during the concert, adding on to the global warming effect and from my last research, most of them are not really eco-friendly singers. Anyway we decided to go with the flow to wear green though the dress code for Club Med was white with any other colors. We practically looked like distant relatives of Incredible Hulk. (If you are wondering who Incredible Hulk is, you can search him out on Google.)

Just before lunch, I went to play water polo.

It was suppose to a 15 v 15 game. But as you can see from the picture, those who are in orange (that's me) were in reality playing against those in purple and those without any beepers. As we did a head count, there were closed to 50 on the opposite team. Even though we were heavily out-numbered, we still managed to squeeze out a victory! We actually won 13-12! Haha!

After lunch, I tried to tan my face. Those who are closest to me will know the outcome!

After the failed attempt lasting an hour, I gave up and as my whole body was turning black, I decided to move to the shade and starting clicking on Dear! Haha.

At night after dinner before the start of the show being put up by the kids, we decided to go and learn how to juggle.

For a moment, I thought that Jeffy was juggling with one hand only. Pro!

Anyway the kids were adorable! I only managed to get a few good shots as I was sitting super far back. Pardon the poor quality of shots!

At 10pm, there were pirate games at the pool! This is where things got abit out of control!

Friends that we made over the three days...

Be sure to check out my sailing experience at Bintan.


The huntZ is onZ!

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