Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Day 1 Activities @ Club Med, Bintan

Let's see what I've done over 3 days in Bintan. I've swam, enagaed in beach activities, sailed, eat, sleep, drink and had a great massage! I nearly got a heart attack when I weighed myself over the weighing scale! haha! Bear with me for not posting enuff comics at the moment.

Just send my Mac Book's battery for repairing so running on AC power la.. Mac Book like heating up siaz! Sian half! Anyway the original plan was to go Club Med and slacked but I ended up doing lotsa sports which requires me to eat more and this resulted in a vicious cycle. Therefore one day, if you see a 'chao ta' upsized version of me, relax dude, it's not blur vision but a picture of reality!

The result of the vicious cycle!

Anyway, the first extreme sport that I was involved in was beach soccer. On TV it looks so simple but with the extra fine sand under you that is threatening to turn into quicksand, it requires 10 times the normal effort just to move on the sand. I scored one goal but my team ended up losing 5-2.

The result of the defeat? Bingeing!

Anyway at night, they had some fashion show thingy and here's some of the GOs 'models' on parade!

Warning: Lotsa flesh on display!

Due to the 'young' readers, I will blog instead about the less fleshy stuff! (I can hear the curses and swearing from the male readers! Haha)

Anyway after the show we took a walk by the pool and Jeffy volunteered to play the guitar for one song and he did!

Day 2 is on its way!


The huntZ is onZ!

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