Sunday, January 4, 2009

Parties, Food and Fun

The month of December flashes by so quickly. It was a month filled with lots of activities and events (In the last 2 weeks especially).

On the 19th of last month, I attended Colorful Christmas Party. As you have guessed it, it was a pre-Christmas party celebration filled with games, performances, gift-exchanges and food!

For more pictures, you can check them out at my Facebook account.

The very next day was also our Candle Light Service. This year, instead of taking photos, I took a short video clip of the whole candle lighting up process. It is always a marvelous sight to see a dark hall being lighted up by thousands of candle lights.

The very next day, Meifung and I also went to support Dear and watch her stage play, "Ri-gret" @ RP.

On Christmas Eve, I had a traditional fondue meal with Dear and her family. It was a simple meal with great food.

On one of the mondays, I also managed to go ECP to cycle. After bargaining with the scorpion uncle, we managed to get a bargain - $6 for 3 hours of cycling + 1 drink. It was fun to cycle with the wind blowing into your face. Along the way, I managed to even catch some people water skiing. Finally, the constructions is done and now ECP is linked all the way to Changi Pier. Due to time constraint and physic limitation, we did not travel all the way to Changi Pier. Haha.

On the 28th, our zone had an appreciation night. We were suppose to dress in cowboys, cowgirls or as mexicans. Desperate, I squeezed myself into one of Dear's checkered top. Haha

A few days before 2009, Dear and I decided to go and watch a show, Thanks to Jon and his wife for blessing us the two tickets to watch the show, The Day The Earth Stood Still.

Since we were there quite early, we even had time to have some ice cream at Häagen-Dazs. Thank goodness the tickets were free, if not I would have considered my money wasted watching such show. It's a totally eeeeeeee show. Please find other things to do than to waste your time watching the show.

Finally, one the last day of the year, I joined Eugene's cell to count down together. It was supposed to be two cg, but end up, only me turning up from my cell. Nonetheless, it was fun coming together to fellowship and feast.

I know some of you are rushing me for the UNO Stacko video of the show-down between Eugene and me. I'm trying to but network abit laggy. Hopefully they will be up soon on Facebook.

The month of Dec was a month filled with laughters! 2009, Here I Come!!!

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