Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Two Three Seven Six Dox Seven Five

Some say a picture paints a thousand words. I would say numbers paint the picture better. Though it was only a 'plain' 5 dish, I was full(?). Perhaps full by the amount. Go figure that out! I think most of the dishes were simply overrated and overpriced!

The 5 dishes that we ordered were lobster coldplate, honey ribs, promfret cooked cooked in two styles, chili crab with deep fried buns and green veges. Anyway due to the my immense concentration in eating, I only took a few photos and they were only after taken after I gobbled up all the food.

The Dream Team

JJs and me

Mavis and me

My name is Bond, James Bond!

The Team that made impossible possible!


The huntZ is onZ!

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