Saturday, June 2, 2007


Wanted to blog in a negative way one, but last could mean also alot of things.

The last shall be the best!

Anyway today is the last day of Emerge '07. It has been fabulous so far and I believe that the last serive today will be the best ever!

Kicked off Emerge with a Street Soccer Gold. The whole team played in good spirit and won many friends on and off the field. It wasn't easy as we had to face obstacles even in forming the team for the game on Thurs. All I can say that it is the grace of God that makes it possible. Thank you, Jesus.

The Team that make impossible possible!"

The night service kicked off with a bang. Thank you Shuzhen, Bee Teng and Lucas for taking time down to support me. You guys, rocked! Bee, heard that you left earlier and missed the show, but I really appreciate everyone of you for turning up. (The lastest news is that we got into Top 3! Praise Jesus! If we win, we will win perform an encore on Sunday, so if you are free and want to watch, faster sms me! Haha)

Did I forget to mention that Tank performed in the opening night? :)

The next day, I had my UOL MA exam. It was a shocker but I felt that I could have done better, nevertheless, everything's over and the hunt for that dream job is on!

TF and Me after the last paper of our tertiary life!

The night session was better than the first night. Poject Superstar Winners, Darren and Diya perfomed and Pastor preached a solid message! Never felt so challenged!

We only have one life, please live it to the max guys! Leave no room for regrets!

Had Captainball final on Sat morning.

Though we did not win, we had fun. Thank you guys for being part of the team. Let's do it next year!

The night session was awesome. Pastor Kong preached an entirely different message from what he intended - A message of Love. Tony Royster Jr also performed - He performed at the Grammy when he was only 15 (He's a drummer if you don't know him!). 刘耕宏 also performed! Solid ah, and he did something great which I shalln't disclose here! Haha. We also celebrated Sun's Bd! I'm so proud of you for being a mother to the poor children in China.

Today is the finale. I can't wait for what's in store for me!

1 comment:

Papilionidae` said...

You rock!!!the nite was so great!! n ok la..u realli slimmed down..hehe!!oh n i cun imagine u in ur suit walking on the streets of shenton way..being an OFFICE MAN!!! wahaha~all the best in ur job hunting!! shall bash on ur first pay yea!!!