Thursday, April 12, 2007

28 Days

12th April was Tai An's Birthday. Slept at 7am that day cause I was mugging super hard together with De Sheng. Though I admit at 5+am, we started to write songs and humming out lame tunes for the club song which was suppose to be done during the chalet. Haha.

Anyway to cut the long story short, I was happily in lala-land when I received a call from Tong at 10.55am. Nearly wanted to slam the phone onto the wall and dismantle it or just crush it into pieces. I did not even recall what I told her, but just remembered the part about reaching school at 11.40am. I quickly put down the phone and continued with my sweet sweet dreams. At 11.20am, I jumped out of bed and began a mechanical process of getting ready to PIA to school to give LTA a surprise BD celebration.

After much scheming the previous night, we decided to get 2 cakes. One small cheap creamy one to smash onto LTA's (TaiAn's) face and another real cake to celebrate later.

We gathered outside the library to prepare the first surprise for our very own logistic head, LTA.

The Team getting all set to surprise LTA

Cher trying to stop Yee from using her powerful legs to smash the cake

Of course, how can we forget about two main mastermind behind the idea? Just j/king :)


As planned, De Sheng was to lure LTA into the 'CCA' room inside the Student Lounge and the rest is history.

LTA acting cool when confronted with the surprise. Deep down, we know he's crying with tears in his heart.

His face changed immediately upon seeing the size of the cake. Brother please bear with us. We were on budget!

Click on the video below for more more details of the smash performed by Tong onto LTA's face.

Morale of Story: Don't mess with girls especially if they have powerful legs,hands or voices. You know who you are are!

There was a mini sabo with the second cake thanks to his study buddy, me!! Haha. The pics below showed LTA trying to remove the candle holder out of the cake without using his hands. To find out more, watch the video! =)

Did i forget to mention that we were making alot of noises in the CCA room and there were like 3 unknown SIM student laughing and watching the show put up by LTA.


We proceeded out of CCA room and started camwhoring in the student lounge. Below are the master pieces!

?, LTA, Anthony
Who else but the hunks?
Thorn amongst the roses
LTA still trying to act cute and we know the end result!

More group pics. By then, Cher had left for class which explains why she was missing from most of the pics. Ok, I meant all the pics.


After clearing the mess, we proceeded to Megabites to have our lunch. We started to brainstorm more ideas to make LTA's BD celebration one that he will remember for the time being until his 23rd BD and finally concluded since that we are going to meet him at night, why not plan another round of sabos and at the same time shop for his gift at Orchard together with Bee's super belated gift at Orchard.

We applaud at our genius and even the heavens cried for us. There were more camwhoring by the three musketeers while Incredible hulk was oblivious to what was going on.

Finally, we managed to reach Orchard. We decided to comb Taka first for TaiAn's gift. But before sourcing out the gift, we decided to boost ourselves with some bubble tea. Now we are ready and set to go.

Let's see the shops that we went in or past by. AX, Stadium, Gap, XXX, XXXXX, XXXXXX, XXXXXXXX, XXXXXXXXXX, XXXXXXXXXX. Finally we decided to settle our purchases at Topman.

Like what Tai An says, Topman is for the most yandao! (Sabo #2). I began to avail my body to test all the clothings. Green top to Red top and finally to Pink top. We (Cher, Tong, DS and me) decided that the pink top with the word 'Fearless' suits LTA the best! Hopefully, the top will boost his courage! Haha. In case if you are wondering why the top got funny smell, maybe is because I tried it? Haha. Better don't wash the top and frame it up. It's going to worth a lot of $$$ in near future!

We proceeded on the next floor to shop for a gift for a very important member of Esprimere. Without this member, all hell breaks lose in the club. Felt bad for neglecting and forgetting to get the present. By this time, Teru came and join us. We had to walk round and round and round and round and round and round and finally, under the recommendation of Cher, we decided to get Bee a funky top.

By this time, DS and me were super shagged considering the 3-4 hours of sleep. We got a spot at the Food Republic at Wisma and began to set down to plan out a list of 22 Sabos. Originally, we wanted him to perform 22 tasks one. But being kind hearted, loving, caring, understanding, we decided to reduce the whole thing by more than half (just 10 tasks will do) and we even added in 2 Get of Jail Card to help him avoid some of the meanest task thought by you-know-who. After cracking, racking and storming hard, close to 1.5hours, we came out with the nicest sabo you can ever wish for for your birthday. There were only a handful of difficult tasks, so if LTA gets the bulk of the difficult task, I have only one word to describe - SUAY!.

We packed the tasks nicely into a pouch and made our way to PS and await the grand arrival of the BD boy. At PS, we decided to go to 77th Street and under Teru's recommendation, we bought another gift for the BD boy.

Morale of Story: If you know that the tasks are going to be difficult, it pays to get an extra gift for standby, just in case the BD boy flares up!

We decided to park at LJS and started to make a nuisance of ourselves by broadcasting mp3 from hp. Ok maybe one or two of us. Being the creative one, I decided to draw with my hp using sms. A middle finger followed by a victory sign. DS was trying to draw an owl. He nearly succeeded, but just nearly.

Finally LTA arrived and our eyes widened. Plan B can finally be executed!!!!


Sabo #1: Swallowed a Mac Ice Cream Cone with one mouth.

Being nice, we decided that just the top half will be enough.

Sabo #2: Shout I'm Yandao in the middle of Orchard Road.

No kick for a yandao. Though the face was super red after that.

Sabo #3: Ask for 1 cigarette, lit it, take a puff and return back to owner. LTA, being LTA decided to abandon this and do 2 more.

Sabo #3a: Sing the McDonald song written by DS. Abandons it too.

Sabo #3ai: Place one hand on the mannequin's you know where for 3 sec. Does it. Face turns into monkey's butt.

Sabo #3aii: Go 7-11 and ask super XXXXXL condom size. Failed. But we let him passed.

Sabo #3bi: Proceed to LJS and do a chicken dance and order a Zinger burger! No kick for him!

Sabo #3bii: Humpty Dumpty Action at BK. No kick. But face turned redder!

Sabo #4: Open Sesame! Easy no kick. Face never changed at all.

Sabo #5: Got a life line. No need to do anything. First time you see a wide small on LTA's face doing the stunts!

Sabo #6: Nail polish stuff. But since all the stores were closed, we decided to do a a simple foundation and add blusher to his face. His face did not turn red. It is red. Go figure why!

Sabo #7: ......... looks like we missed out one!!! Arrghhz!!! Or was there one?? LTA?? Cher?? Tong??

S.abo #8: Free Hugs. Did it once again after much much waiting. Face turned red again.

Sabo #9: Sing 世界唯一的你 to a Mac food and kiss it when done.

Sabo #10: Lift Attendant. No kick. First time face did not turned red.

Conclusion at the end of the sabo: SUAY.

We did a brief run through of the task left in the pouch. They were all like super duper easy. But we learnt and confirmed something from the tasks - LTA turns red easily.

After the sabos, how could we forget the gifts? We decided to surprise Bee at the same time with her gift!


After building our joy on one person's misery, I agreed with LTA that next time the sabo should not involve other people but I think I got a better suggestion. I think we should scrapped the whole idea of sabo-ing and should just go to KTV and celebrate. Easier also. Less messy and less brain power also.

We ended the day at Mr Bean.

Shagged but everyone enjoyed themselves. Go LTA! Go pursue your dreams! We will be there supporting you. Thank you for being so onz today. We will try to prevent minimal leak onto the web. This we will try!!

Failed to studied today but it was worth all the trouble for a friend! =)

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