Monday, April 16, 2007

24 Days

Woke up@ 1.25pm. Concussed. 2nd woke up time, 4.30pm. OMG. That's a pretty long rest. Think I will switch to daytime studying tomorrow. Need to maximize every second. To all friends who are having exams, 加加油 worz! You can do it one! :)


Did not study today. Not in the mood to. Getting easily agitated. I bite so please don't tap me from behind!

Anyway, surf the net for more cheerleading videos and discovered that NTU's Aces in representing Singapore in a cheerleading competition. Way to go man!

On a lighter note, celebrated Dear's Mum's Birthday. Camera went flat so only managed to grab a few photos. Will load them soon.

Started watching 十三鞭. A crappy show with too many coincidences. Typical Singapore Chinese drama. What's new? Fall asleep during the show. Was sweating alot. Nearly flooded the living room. Felt even more terrible and more agitated!

Need to find a corner by myself for fear of hurting others. This feeling sucks. Perhaps is the little number of days left that is worrying me. I shall stick to a little advice I gave to one of the juniors. Don't let the little number of days left screw your mind, just do what you can and master what you can. That will be enough and i shall just do that.



Jus_mi said...

I'm damn irritated with you being irritated. Wouldn't u have an easier time if you just got along with me in the first place? Don't blame it on stress.

Who's ur "Dear"? Shouldn't ur "Dear" be the one you treat the best? Instead, you're treating others better than your "Dear".

Fine, go and study. Keep out of others' way. Keep out of my way too. I bite, and I have claws. And I've had enough. I'm afraid I'll leave before your exams are over 'cos I can't stand your frustration anymore.

Stressed? Handle it and don't take it out on others. It just makes life more difficult for yourself... Unless you feel that you'd do better without me. Then I've nothing to say. 'Cos at times you make me feel that way.

I'm irritated, just as you are. I'm irritated that you always take it out on me. I've done nothing wrong. I'VE DONE NOTHING WRONG. So go bite someone else.


Jus_mi said...

It's funny how you can love someone so much. You take everything he/she says personally. You care so much about what that person feels about you. You care so much about how that person treats other people. You get jealous easily.

I'm sensitive, irritating, paranoid. So what?

Four and a half years. But it seems like it's getting bad to worse. And I feel helpless.

Jus_mi said...

I wish we could go back to 24 hours ago.

Jus_mi said...

I wish I could make you feel better. But you keep me at arm's length.

Maybe a kiss? Maybe a courteous "I need some time alone, please dear"? Instead of that tone of voice, and that black face.

I know you need space. But you need to tell me, and not suddenly snap at me. If I could, I'd study for you. I think my stress threshold is higher than yours. Haha. But I can't study for you. All I hope is that you allow me to stay quietly here and don't snap at me.

I'm scared.

Jus_mi said...

Jiayou. All I can do is ferry you back and fro, order Mac's for you. That's all I can do.

I hope you understand that I do everything, and I get upset because I love you.

I love you, Wenfu! :)

Jus_mi said...

I'm jealous. I just need reassurance.

Jus_mi said...

I'm giving you time alone. It's also a way of protecting myself from you. I'm scared. Scared of getting hurt, and scared of irritating you.

So. This is my way of stepping away.

I think we need time apart. You need time to study. Time to spend with your friends. Time to surf the Net, and read ur friends' blogs, and post on your forum.

I need time to heal.

Look for me if you need me. I'll be here,