Monday, June 8, 2009

Reunions, reunions and more reunions

Last year weekend was packed with reunions, one after another.

On Sat, I had my JC reunion. Quoted aptly by Boon Cheong when asked by the Settler's Cafe staff whether we knew each other well, his reply was, "Yes, we've been friends for 11 years but this is our first gathering in 9 year!"

JC was a year of fun for me but was overly overwhelm by the Yin presence.

JC Year 1 Class Photo

Back then, we were one of the worse class ever. I still remember during our Year 2 mid year, the principle made those classes that do not have at least 1 person having a 1 A 2 AO passes to stand up. We were one of the 2 classes and yet we were not ashamed. Haha.

Some of us were even made to stand in front during Maths Lecture for being caught pontan-ning. I think we were quite notorious during our JC days. But we had FUN!

Fast forward 11 years later, the same bunch of people.

Till we meet again at Lina's wedding in November.

On Sunday, I had BBQ and Tennis with my SIM buddies. This is the group of friends where we shed tears and blood studying overnight for exams, practicing till there is no day no light for POS and we had many many laughters during my SIM years. It was so much fun and enjoyable as compared to my NUS days. Thank you guys! Without you guys, I would not be where I am today!

Some new additions to the group.

We even surprised Euzanne with a 'GIANT BD CAKE'.

It was nice catching up with all my school buddies. Reach home at 2am last night and here I am, blogging away my Monday blues!

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